Call of Duty: The Modern Warfare Battle Pass is coming in December - Modern Warfare - Video Pavel News, Instructions, Exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

The content after publication will be published next month.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare has already recorded over half a billion dollars since its publication before not too long. But of course it's never enough and there is another monetization. While one of the biggest announcements around the game was that it would drop the season pass, something else comes to take his place in the Battle Pass. Today we have an idea of ​​when it gets, although it is not clear how it is implemented.

In a winning call for the third quarter, Activision confirmed that the fight is over Moderne warkeeping is a little later than expected, sometime in the last month of the year in December. It is still not clear how to implement it. During the call, however, it was assured that "all functional content that affects the game balance, such as: B. basic weapons and attachments, easy to be activated by play ".

The number of the duty Title and Activision in general were notoring that they have put excessive microtransaktions in their games after starting and lower control. Not that it seems to be really important, as people continue to attend. We will keep you up to date as soon as further details become known.

Marked with: Activision, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward, PC, PS4, Xbox One


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