[Lee Goo-dong] Blizzard's maximum crisis after taking off
Blizzard has been the largest crisis since the founding. It is accused of accurate sexual offenders and sex discrimination from the State of California on the 22nd. On the other hand, I heard this news and immediately turned off immediately, but the testimony and evidence of the prefecture staff are still pouring out. In the end, Mike Moha, a former representative of Blizzard, apologized for this, and I have apologized for this, and I have been responsible for the representative of Jay Allen Black, on the 3rd day.
This incident is qualitatively different from various incident accidents such as Hios League suspension, Hauston Hong Kong players discipline, Hasston Hong Kong playback, and controversy over Hasston Hong Kong. First of all, in-house development work has been suspended. World of Warcraft has actually been developed, and overwatch also canceled the new battlefield patch. The release of Diablo emotion was delayed. Overwatch League is a situation that sponsors, including Coca-Cola, due to this incident, are considering sponsorship.
But the bigger problem is the gaze of users looking at Blizzard. Literally, the perception of the company has fallen to the floor. In the past, Blizzard has called definitions, equality and freedom in the game. However, the things that people who made the game were not defined at all that they were not defined at all, and the authenticity of the game was suspected. Even the controversial people were revealed that they were not even excused, revealed that they were a member of the presence of Blizzard.
I am already crashed with as much as possible for Blizzard. I wonder if there is a negative tag that I came out of the future. The users who have already enjoyed the existing Blizzard games are also leaving. I have a bone marrow fan, and I will not say interest in the game will come to the future.
The reaction of fans is also one. I can not be disappointed or criticized for Blizzard. Game Mecca ID 'High Eleves Dedlit' "I like the fall," I finally followed his game, "he said," he said, "he said," he said, "I did not know how destroyed themselves." Game Mecca ID 'Nergain' "I wanted to have a reason to leave," he said, "I have a real activity that I was going to go back," he said.
Of course, Blizzard will not be crashed at all this case. The heritage that has been stacked in decades does not accept that much. However, this incident will not be forgotten forever and forgotten in the thirty of gamers. No matter how good games come out, this situation will come with a magical and tag. Perhaps Blizzard, what we remember, may have been perfectly past.
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