Pubg: New State, the renewal of the royal battle on mobile

Already unveiled at the beginning of the year, the next iteration of Krafton s Royal Battle Inc. is about to arrive. PUBG: New State is planned on iOS and Android as of November 11, 2021 and brings a fire of freshness for mobile players. This new experience of the game is more immersive and further than its previous version.

Date of exit: November 11, 2021

Site Official:


iOS Android

Still and always developed by Pubg Studio and edited by Krafton Inc, PUBG: New State comes to redefine the kind of the royal battle on mobile. All that makes the PUBG salt: BattleGounds will be present in this version. But by fully developing a version foremost for mobile devices, everything is optimized to offer a smooth, beautiful and nervous game on all supports. Regular monitoring, seasons and updates are planned for the game to continue enriching over time.

But if there is one thing that this new title wants to highlight, it is its anti-cheat system. In order to ensure a healthy and fair environment, drastic anti-cheating measures have been taken. Thus, the game automatically detects the use of unauthorized programs, emulators, keyboards, or mouse, and is capable of restricting their use. The returns and comments of the players are also expected, in order to refine this measure.

PUBG: New State , Info and Release Date

TOP 10 NEW BEST BATTLE ROYALE GAMES 3.0 | ANDROID & IOS ONLINE MULTIPLAYER From November 11, 2021, PUBG: New State will be available on iOS and Android in more than 200 countries. All pre-registered persons enjoy a unique vehicle at stake.

Minimum iOS Configuration:

Operating system : IOS 13.0

Minimum Android Configurations:

Operating system : Android 6.0 or higher CPU : 64 bits (ABI ARM64 or Upper) RAM : 2 GB or higher Open Gl 3.1 / Vulkan 1.1 or higher


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