Lost Ark: Tips and tricks for entry (class choice, levels, travel)

If you have read our other guides to Lost Ark, about to the Housing , to the crafts or to the endgame , then you already know that the online role-playing game is enormously extensive. At the same time, it can quickly overwhelm beginners with the multitude of class specializations, systems and currencies. So that the entry into the world of Armenia goes well from the hand, you will find some tips and tricks, which we would like to know before our start a few months ago.

The choice of the right class

Lost Ark - Wish I Knew Sooner | Tips, Tricks, & Game Knowledge for New Players

While only five classes are available on the paper, which are available to the EU-Start of Lost Ark, but these in share a total of 15 class specializations , between which you should choose a 1. The Common Among: Many of the ways look in gameplay trailers just outrageously good. In addition, they seem to cause all preferably damage. How should one find the right class? Especially since there is no way of car billing later. You can customize your skill selection, but not your chosen specialization.

Support Trio

In fact, there are only three subclasses that chap out of the DPS 1. These are the one of the Paladin (base class warriors) and the Hardin (base class magician), which have the strongest support capabilities (healing, buffs, rebuffs, shields) of all playing style. On the other hand, there is still the Pistolenslanzer (base class warrior), which has a lot of much a lot and sometimes the attention of enemies can draw on themselves. If you want to take over such a support job, that's the right sayings for you.

Who is the best damage specialist?

If you prefer to play an offensive front soldier, we recommend the Berserker (base-class warrior), which comes from its powerful two-hand circle, however, comparatively sluggish, which can be tricky in the endgame. Significantly more mobile are the death blade, the war dancer and the fighting monk, which can also cause high damage.

Do you prefer your opponent from the distance or with magic to the grain? The sorceress causes tremendous damage, but also keeps very little. Artists, snipers and artillery are also a good choice. Where an experienced player can also get high damage values ​​from all not mentioned played.

So you should rather ask you the following questions: Do you prefer to play remote or close-up? A male or female hero? And buildup "plays" to them then the classes that come to you to choose the specialization, right at the beginning. There you can then extensively remove these against monsterhords and bosses and make a reasonable choice.

Tips and tricks to the levels

In Lost Ark you can level your characters for the launch to the maximum level 60. However, this is not necessary. The actual endgame is already free to switch to Level 50 Soft Cap. This milestone reaches It's quite fast by focusing fully focused on the quests of the main scenario. Even more time, you save when you skip the tutorial and burn off as many In game sequences as possible (which is not always possible).

However, we recommend that you give you a little more time. The endgame does not go away, and the main scenario is really entertaining in many ways, and in the tutorial you learn important basics. Add to this: Many tutorial tasks (the new systems introduce), secondary orders and temporary region quests are on their way anyway. You can take this without great loss of time and have to make them most of the places to which the main scenario leads you anyway.

In the first day hours, quests of the main scenario are marked by a golden, double-framed symbol with double arrow. With the opening of the world and the activation of the boat trip, however, it changes. Then you have an enameling task that will continue to be marked with this symbol, plus the "normal" main scenario tasks, which are now displayed via a light blue planet symbol.

Attention : From time to time, you meet in the course of the main scenario on dungeons. You can do that alone or with up to three friends, and on normal or heavy. With latter mode, the rewards are a little better, but you will also replace these items quite quickly in the level phase. When it comes to speed, every Story Dungeon fix solo and normal. Who wants to bring the adventure book to 100 percent in all zones, must, by the way, in any dungeon on normal and hard. What is not worthwhile at all: Dungeons for experience to grind.

Account width progression

You will not only be your character in Lost Ark, but always your account. On the species, your bonus is free, all characters benefit. At the same time, there are some systems in Lost ARK, which apply to all characters of a server - for example, the Housing progression, your crafts or the recalculated mounts and pets.

Finally level 50 - What now?

Follow the quest of the main scenario until you can visit the first choosing sounds. Also, look past Tuition (with the corresponding note key, short key F2), because Beatrice you will receive the quest for your powerful awakening skill. Everything else is you else in our endgame overview .

Tips for traveling and the map

Everywhere in the fields of Armenia you come by teleported platforms. Once it clicked on, you have activated this reporter and can travel from anywhere on the continent to this teleported. Attention: This fast travel system does not work over several continents! On other continents, you come with your own ship or with an automatic overseas drive. In both cases, you have to drive a haven zone of a continent to increase on your ship or to book overseas.

Tip: The tab key can show you a transparent version of the MINIMAL to perceive triples, quests, important NPCs, dealers, and much more at a glance. Hold down the middle mouse button to move this map section. About old and left click can even start a reporter teleport directly in this map display. So you do not have to switch extra to the real card (short key M).

Much more practical is the bib frost when it comes to traveling. With the Bifrost you can save a point in the world and jump there if necessary, no matter where this is in Armenia. You can earn up to three first points. There are two more only about the optional subscription crystalline aura. For example, with such many first stores, you can cover your entire Daily Quest routine without having to run between the tasks too far.

More Tips and Tricks for Lost Ark

  • You always get account-bound boxes where countless items lie, but you have to decide for one of the items. Our tip: Wait with it until you can actually assess what which item brings you in detail or where will your needs will be. For example, pack them in your account camps.
  • In Lost Ark, almost all short keys can be adapted. Only exceptions: left and right mouse button (for exercise and attack, can only be changed) as well as the interaction buttons G and H.
  • Lost ARK supports controller. Try it quietly.
  • With Alt + X you can gradually hide the different items from the interface.

  • All NPCs represented on the map with a heart have a reputation that can increase it. This is possible about emotes, songs, gifts or quests. Songs and emotes, however, can only be given to the best in limited form every day. Makes that as early as possible in order to waste as few of the relationships as possible. You do not have to decide for some NPCs. In the long term, you can bring all relationships to the maximum.

  • Trials all skills of your class and your improvements. You can easily resume your skilled dots again.
  • Whenever possible, always uses your F1 healing potions. These cheap F1 potions are available from NPC dealers for silver. In endgame challenges, you can not use them often anyway. The better healing drinks is not there for silver, may be used in limited numbers in endgame challenges. So, if possible, do not skin out before.
  • PVP automatically turns it in the course of the main scenario (level 26/27). The equipment is normalized in all participants. You also have access to all skills and skill improvements.

How do Housing, crafts and endgame work?

For the areas of crafts, Housing and Endgame we have already published own guides:

  • This is how the Housing works and these advantages brings you the island
  • How to work professions and crafts in the new Delegate MMORPG
  • From Raids to solo towers - that awaits you in the endgame of the MMOs

If you want to know more, also looks in our test to Lost Ark . There we go to all the strengths and weaknesses of the online role-playing game.

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